white and brown long coated puppy
white and brown long coated puppy

Grooming Services

Mobile grooming is a convenient option for busy families and people who want a quiet, calm environment for their pet's grooming needs.

Prices are based on the condition of your pet's coat, temperament, and physical mobility.
Dogs that require extra time due to stress, weight, and training time to acclimate to the grooming process will incur additional fees.

Estimates are approximate and final charges will be calculated at the end of the service.

tan chihuahua lying on couch
tan chihuahua lying on couch
brown puppy on bed
brown puppy on bed
Puppy's First Groom

One of the most important groomings, your pup's first professional experience requires a lot of 'PAWSITIVE' reinforcement. This includes a warm, relaxing bath, ears inspected and cleaned, fluff-dry, sanitary trim, and style.

Scissored Styles

Curly coats and styles that are kept longer in length require more time than just a quick bath. Remember these coats require brushing and combing in between appointments and I'm always happy to demonstrate how to maintain as a part of the service.

Comfort Groom

Senior pets need special handling and support during grooming. This is why comfort grooms are offered. You can rest in the knowledge your senior will be treated with love, respect, and gentle hands.